Art and imagination are indispensable in a resilient democracy and caring economy, and creativity is an essential skill, and a catalyst for social and economic innovation.  

The Amsterdam University of the Arts (AHK) is an internationally-oriented teaching and research institute where students receive excellent training for the national and international professional field of arts, culture and heritage. The AHK, rooted in the cultural metropolis of Amsterdam, connects six Amsterdam academies. Work is carried out in an inclusive and content-driven way within each academy, and students and employees feel respected, safe and responsible, both for each other and for the world.


Strategic plan 2024-2029

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The artistic and personal development of the student is the key focus within the intensive education, which is characterised by a high level of expertise. A culture of innovation, collaboration and experimentation challenges students to look beyond borders and break new ground.  

The AHK trains flexible and self-confident cultural professionals and artists, who have the potential to excel in their field. The teaching and research therefore contribute towards the innovation of the profession and to the debate about social issues.
