Hawijch Elders (19)(photo) has won second prize at the Netherlands Violin Competition in the category ‘Oskar Back (‘top talents up to 26 years of age). Moreover, she won the Audience Prize with an overwhelming majority of votes. Hawijch studies with Ilya Grubert in the bachelor programme at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam.
Luna de Mol (15) won first prize in the category ‘Davina van Wely’(14-17 year olds). She studies with Coosje Wijzenbeek at the Sweelinck Academy. Enzo Kok (15), student with Wiesje Miedema at the Sweelinck Academy, won third prize.
Alice van Binsbergen (14) won second prize and Olga Göschel (13) third prize in the category 'Iordens B (13-14 ýear olds) Both study with Wiesje Miedema at the Sweelinck Academy. Finally, Alix Rodenburg (10), student with Coosje Wijzenbeek at the Sweelinck Academy, won second prize in the category 'Iordens A' (10-12 year olds).