Call for Applications: DAS THIRD, 3rd Cycle Research Group - Cohort 3

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THIRD is a unique support structure that prepares a small group of artists for third cycle research opportunities. The Open Call 2019 is now online. Apply now! 

THIRD will select a new cohort of six participants exploring research opportunities at the PhD or PhD equivalent level. Currently there are very few programs in Europe catering to performing arts research in higher education and even fewer providing pedagogies and facilities focusing on research in and through (collaborative studio) practice. The aim of THIRD is to prepare, coach and facilitate individual choreographers, theater makers and performance artists in articulating a long-term research project for enrolment in a university PhD or Research Fellowship program. Though DAS Graduate School cannot bestow a doctoral degree, we intend to support artists who wish to expand their knowledge(s) by supplementing PhD candidatures in the Netherlands and abroad.

The DAS Graduate School hosts three master programs, Theatre, Choreography and Creative Producing, along with DAS Research sponsored projects including THIRD. Together they share a location in Amsterdam Noord, offering a communal kitchen, studio spaces, a black box theatre, a library and other facilities.


THIRD Annual Forum 2018
On Friday 14th December and Saturday 15th December the first public Annual Forum on 3rd cycle research took take place at DAS Graduate School. During this special weekend artists from dance, theatre and film pursuing research in educational institutions throughout Europe will individually and collectively presented their ongoing projects in parallel sessions. Read more
