On Friday November 18 the Academy opens the annual graduation exhibition with 22 graduation projects from 2010 to 2011. The graduation will be opened by architect Rob Hootsmans, also chairman of the jury. He will present the nominees for the 2012 Archiprix, the annual prize for the best graduation project of the Dutch design schools..
The graduation exhibition consists of 22 participants:
Farah Agarwal, Pieter de Bruyn Kops, Edwin Claes, Sjuul Cluitmans, Jonathan Hibma, Ard Hoksbergen, Tamara Janmaat, Jurrian Knijtijzer, Willem Jan Landman, Joram van Otterloo, Christina Polito, Maja Popovic, Eva Radionova, Coen Smit, Surya Steijlen, Niclas von Taboritzki, Jolijn Valk, Kim Verhoeven, Stijn de Weerd, Rutger Vineyards, Thijs de Zeeuw and Herman Zonderland.
The exhibition will be opened by architect Rob Hootsmans. A jury will nominate four for participation in the prestigious 2012 Archiprix, the annual prize for the best graduation project of the Dutch design schools.
Time and location
The opening will take place on Friday, November 18th at 16h30 at the Amsterdam Academy of Architecture, Waterlooplein 213, Amsterdam. At this occasion we will offer a drink. The graduation exhibition is on view until December 2, 2011 at the Theatre Café at the town hall of Amsterdam, Amstel 1. Opening hours: Monday / Friday from 9.00-19.00 hours. Saturday and Sunday from 9.00-17.00 hours. Admission is free.