On Friday 7 July, the Amsterdam Academy of Architecture will be organizing the Midsummer Night Lecture, an annual lecture that marks the end of our academic year. After the lecture, you will receive the latest edition of our annual journal. Here you will find an overview of the activities at the Academy of Architecture of the past year.
Midsummer Night Lecture: Planetary Architecture - by Hans Ibelings
We have changed the climate, and now the climate is changing us. In this new reality, architecture, urbanism and landscape architecture – part and parcel of this great disruption of the planet – cannot continue with ‘business as usual’.
The climate emergency, terrifying as it is, offers unique opportunities to liberate architecture, landscape and urbanism from modernization’s articles of faith – growth and progress – and to recalibrate our understanding of, and our relationship with, our immediate Umwelt, all other organisms, and the planet in its entirety. Recent architectural history and contemporary thought offer numerous clues what such a planetary recalibration could entail, as architectural historian and critic Hans Ibelings will discuss in this lecture.
Hans Ibelings is a Montreal-based Dutch architectural critic and historian. He is the publisher of The Architecture Observer and teaching at the Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design of the University of Toronto. His most recent publication is Modern Architecture: A Planetary Warming History.
Reserve your seat for the lecture and/or buy an advance ticket for the party here!
Location: Academy of Architecture, Waterlooplein 211-213, Amsterdam
Language: English
Time: 20:00
Admission lecture: free admission for students, teachers, staff and alumni of the Amsterdam Academy of Architecture.
Party: After the lecture there will be a party from approx. 21:00 to 01:00 (admission 10 euros, including two drinks).