X Y WE - Marleen Hendrickx
Marleen Hendrickx made a theatre performance with six intersex people
Nominee AHK Eindwerkprijs 2021: Marleen Hendrickx
Studies: Theatre Teacher (BA), Academy for Theatre and Dance
Graduation project: X Y WE
Medium: Theatre performance
Marleen Hendrickx, graduate in Theatre Teacher (BA) at Academy for Theatre and Dance, AHK / Amsterdam University of the Arts.
Six people, aged 18 to 80 and from all over the country, tell their story as an intersex person for the first time in the performance X Y WE. In the Netherlands there are 190,000 intersex people, in Belgium 125,000. All people who are born with a body that does not meet the normative definition of man or woman.
This “eindwerk” or graduation project was one of eleven graduation projects nominated for the AHK Eindwerkprijs 2021, the Graduation Award of the Amsterdam University of the Arts.
On February 10, 2022, the AHK announced the three winners of the AHK Graduation Prizes via a live stream: for the best bachelor graduation project, the best master graduation project and the winner of the audience award. With her project 'X Y WE', Marleen Hendrickx won the AHK Graduation Audience Award 2021.
You can view the recording of the livestream of the AHK Graduation Award Ceremony on Thursday 10 February 2022 via this page.
To Marleen's website