Advisory Board

Talita Groenendijk

Talita Groenendijk (1979) works as a researcher at SLO. Her focus is primarily on curriculum development at the school level. Talita studied at the teacher training program for visual arts and design, followed by a degree in social and cultural anthropology. She earned her PhD from the University of Amsterdam in 2012 with research focused on students' creative processes in art education. Since then, she has been dedicated to designing education by teachers.

Edwin van Meerkerk

Edwin van Meerkerk (1972) studied History and Philosophy, and obtained his doctorate as cultural historian. He is Associate Professor of Arts Education and Cultural Policy at Radboud University Nijmegen. His research focuses on arts and culture in mainstream ins education, the collaboration between schools and cultural institutions, and the policy regarding culture and cultural education. He has been involved as a researcher with the Cultuureducatie met kwaliteit (Cultural education with quality) programme since 2013.

Zeynep Gündüz

Zeynep Gündüz (1978) is researcher and teacher within the field of dance. She obtained her doctorate from the University of Amsterdam in 2012 for research into dance, created with interactive technologies (motion tracking). She is currently conducting practice-oriented research into how an online dance lesson can best be experienced by the student. Gündüz works for the Amsterdam University of the Arts (AHK) and Fontys University of Applied Sciences as a dance teacher. She graduated from the ballet academy in Ankara in Turkey. In the Netherlands, she studied modern dance and media studies (BA and MA).


Bert Verveld

Bert Verveld was van 1 maart 2015 tot 1 maart 2023 voorzitter van het College van Bestuur van de Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten (AHK). De Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten (AHK) neemt nationaal en internationaal een prominente plaats in binnen het onderwijs in de kunsten. Bert is nu voorzitter van de landelijke overleg van opleidingen en instituten voor kunstvak docentenopleidingen, Raad van Toezicht van CINOP en stichting Cultuur en School Utrecht. Ook is hij lid van de Adviesraad van CASE (Centre of Expertise on Arts Sciences and Education).
