NRO review study

Researchers: Melissa Bremmer, Cock Dieleman, Folkert Haanstra, Emiel Heijnen, Ellen van Hoek, Linda Reus and Diederik Schönau

In preparation for the Arts & Culture survey, the research group is conducting a review study commissioned by the NRO. The central question what the influencing factors are with regard to learning achievement in the field of arts and culture in (the end of) primary education. Influencing factors are characteristics of education, such as knowledge and skills of teachers, the curriculum, the didactics, number of lesson hours and facilities. These influencing factors will be elaborated in the review study with regard to learning achievements per arts discipline (visual, theatre, dance and music), as well as the themes of interdisciplinarity and creativity. On the basis of this review, recommendations will be made for the new tools to be developed for the upcoming survey.


Haanstra, F., Dieleman, C., van Hoek, E., Reus, L. & Schönau, D. Wat werkt in kunstzinnige oriëntatie? Amsterdam, NL: Lectoraat Kunsteducatie, Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten.


Cock Dieleman studied History in Utrecht and Theatre Studies in Amsterdam. Since 1985, he has been working for Theatre Studies and Dramaturgy degree programmes of the University of Amsterdam (UvA), currently as assistant professor. His specialisations are theatre education, youth theatre, dramaturgy and contemporary Dutch theatre. From 2014 to 2017, he was programme director of Arts and Culture. In 2017 and 2018, he was matchmaker kennisdeling (knowledge sharing matchmaker) at the Faculty of Humanities. He is co-author of the Inleiding in de dramaturgie (Introduction to dramaturgy) that was published in 2020 (Amsterdam University Press).  See the Publications tab for more of his publications.

In addition to his teaching position in Amsterdam, he was employed as Head of Education of the theatre company Het Zuidelijk Toneel from 1999 to 2005. In the same time, he was initiator of the website Nederland Theaterland, together with Erik Lint.
