Transformational learning

The world is changing more and more quickly; so quickly, in fact, that it is impossible to keep up with and comprehend it. As a result of that, the idea of learning for the future is being put under pressure. If we don’t know that future, how do we know what we have to learn in that case? This question was also examined by, among others, Platform 2032 and on the basis of a broad social dialogue, it advised the Dutch government to place more emphasis on personal development.

Transformative learning is a learning theory that provides possible guidelines for designing education in which personal development is the key focus. Transformative learning is about experiencing a deep, structural shift in thinking, feeling and acting on the basis of objective and subjective reflection processes. Such a shift throws a different light on our understanding of ourselves, our relationships with others and the world around us.

Platform 2032 has made little explicit about how that personal development can be stimulated more. That is why Melvin Crone, in collaboration with teachers from secondary education, is looking for an answer within the visual arts course of class four of prevocational secondary education (vmbo), senior general secondary education (havo) and pre-university education (vwo), on the basis of the theory of transformative learning.

Publications, presentations and workshops

Arts Advocacy: Why the Arts Matter. (2022). keuzevak Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten 
Crone, M. (2022). Beeldend kunstonderwijs ter bevordering van persoonsvorming in het voortgezet onderwijs. Kunstzone, 22(2), 8-11.
Crone, M. (2021). Educatietool Transformatief beeldend kunstonderwijs.
Crone, M. (2021). Podcast Transformatief beeldend kunstonderwijs. Amsterdam. NL: Lectoraat Kunsteducatie.
Crone, M. (2021). Transformatief beeldend kunstonderwijs. Amsterdam. NL: Lectoraat Kunsteducatie, Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten.
Crone, M. (2018). Kijk wijzer of kijk dommer. Kunstzone, december 2018, 12, pp.20-22.
Crone, M. (2006). De Kunstkijkwijzer. Amsterdam. NL: Lectoraat Kunsteducatie, Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten.


Melvin Crone is a Senior Lecturer in Art Theory and Art Appreciation at the Breitner Academy. In addition to delivering (project) education, he serves as a project manager for blended learning. Since 2009, he has been associated with the College for Examinations and Assessments as the chair of the examination committee for drawing, handicrafts, and textile techniques for HAVO and VWO (pre-university education), as well as chair of the syllabus committee for the same subjects. As chair of the KVDO and as a writer, he has contributed to the revision of the penultimate training profiles for dance, music, theater, and visual arts teachers.

