#CLUBNIGHT 4 | The Child as Source of Revolution*

Thursday 12 May | 19:00 walk-in with soup | 19:30 - 21:00 programme
In the Culture Club
During CLUBNIGHT 4 'The Child as the Source of Revolution1 We will investigate why different makers and programmers develop work with, by or for children. What can the child mean for art? And how does art for and with this target group reflect on the position children have in society?
Exchange radical ideas
In a fishbowl discussion in which you, the audience, are invited to join in the conversation, we exchange radical ideas with, among others, Jetse Batelaan (artistic director of Theatre Artemis), Pavèl van Houten (visual artist and co-owner of Hotel Nieuw Antiek), Muriël Besemer (head of the ITA Academy) and Ingrid Wolff (director 2turvenhoog).
Art & Society programme
This evening is organised by Laura Bolscher (Art & Society researcher in Games for Adults) and Diede Daalman (Art & Society researcher in Early Years Theatre as Democratic Space). The artists in residence of the Art & Society programme of the AHK organise a monthly a #ClubNight, where perspectives and disciplines meet at their home base the Culture Club.
*‘The Child as Source of Revolution’ is based on a quote by Ingrid Wolf in the book Interdisciplinair Theater voor de Allerkleinsten. Written by Schuurmans, A., & van der Putt, F. (2021)