“I want to use technology to make cultural heritage accessible to a large audience”
Malou Minkjan, Reinwardt Academy

I love being part of the Art & Society programme. During our first meeting I already heard many inspiring stories and I look forward to creating a great programme together. We are the first group, which makes it extra challenging. I’ve always been interested in working as a creative, but I never felt that this was a realistic option for me. This recognition gives me more confidence and energy to take the plunge and follow my own path.

I want to use technology to make cultural heritage accessible to a large audience in an interactive way, not only within the museum walls, but also beyond. I want to look further than developing an app or website. I rather create something that fits within the existing physical environment.

During the Art & Society programme I hope to develop a concept that showcases this vision, leaving the dusty heritage image behind. Through this programme I am consciously engaged in shaping and developing a personal, but also a socially relevant skillset. I am sure I will benefit from this all my life. I hope we can make the Culture Club a vibrant place despite the pandemic. A place for unexpected encounters and the coolest interdisciplinary projects within the AHK.

