International students: Apply for Huygens INT Scholarship

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International students from all countries can now apply for the prestigious Huygens Scholarship Programme, offered by the Dutch Ministry of Education. The scholarship is aimed at talented students who want to study in the Netherlands in the final phase of their bachelor’s studies or during their master’s studies.

International students from all countries can now apply for the prestigious Huygens Scholarship Programme, offered by the Dutch Ministry of Education. The scholarship is aimed at talented students who want to study in the Netherlands in the final phase of their bachelor’s studies or during their master’s studies.

When can I apply?

  • From September 2011 onwards, you'll be studying at the AHK in the third or fourth year of a Bachelor's programme, or in a 2-years Master's programme. For students from Academy of Architecture, only the last two study years of the Master are eligible for the scholarship;
  • You are not older than 35 years;
  • You have excellent study results, a prestigious CV and at least two externals can proof your excellency. 'Excellent' in the understanding of the Huygens Scholarship Programme means: the student belongs to the best 5% of the study programme;
  • The head of your study programme, or the director of your school is willing to provide you a Nomination Letter so you can apply for the scholarship.

How can I obtain a Nomination Letter at the AHK?
Students who think they are eligible for the scholarship, should apply at the head of their study department for a Nomination Letter. The school will screen students on their study results and decides which students will receive a nomination letter.

  • Only for students of the Conservatorium van Amsterdam
    Conservatorium students in the Classical departement have to do an audition on 20 November 2010. The information to apply (with a form) can be found here. Those who have missed the information: please apply for the audition as soon as possible. Students from the Jazz and Pop departments don't need to do an audition; they can contact the head of your programme, Ruud van Dijk before December 1, 2010 for permission to be nominated.
  • All other students
    The students are strongly advised to apply for a nomination letter at the head of your study programme before 15 December 2010.

What do I do when I get the nomination?
If you are nominated by your study programme, you'll receive a Nomination Letter in PDF by Kam Wai Kui no later than January 15, 2011. In most cases, you'll receive the nomination letter as soon as possible so you can start the application procedure online. You need to apply both online and send in a full file of your application in hardcopy to the Nuffic.

Apllications should be received by the Nuffic no later than 1 February 2011. Please don't take the risk to send in your complete file only a few days before the deadline.

Please note: don't start too late with the procedure. The application also requires two reference letters from externals. Please allow enough time for them to provide you the letters!

More information
Nuffic site on the Huygens INT Scholarship

or contact Kam Wai Kui , the coordinator Internationalisation of the AHK via email:
